L’alta conoscenza professionale dei nostri dentisti, assistenti garantiscono da tanti anni la massima soddisfazione dei nostri pazienti.I nostri dottori partecipano continuamente ai diversi corsi d’aggiornamento in modo da poter corrispondere alle aspettative piú alte europee. Tutti i nostri medici fanno attivamente parte alla Camera di Medici Ungheresi.

Dr.Horváth Veronika
dental surgeon

Dr.Horváth Mariann
dental surgeon

Tóth Krisztina
dental hygienist, dental assistant

Fodor László
senior dental technician

Fodor Rita
senior dental technician

Csahóczi Roland
senior dental technician
La nostra Clinica Dentale si trova al primo piano dell'albergo presso la Gallery Café Shop!
ospiti scritte
Nagyon jól sikerült a koronám, amit Vera doktornő elkészített. Erős markú nő, aki biztos kézzel fúrja az ember fogát. Bátran ajánlom mindenkinek! Nem fog fájni!
Wow, she is the Dentist we were looking for! Stunning clean design, element rich, clean chair, patient friendly and easy to find. Keep up the good work Vera!
On extremely short notice, Vera came up with the perfect teeth I previously envisioned for my mouth. Thank you for the personal touch, understanding and responsiveness to all my needs!
Awesome Woman! Very intuitive, clean clinic, and easy to find. Just rated 5 stars! Will recommend to all patients! Thanks a lot again!